Sunday, September 28, 2008


I am 37 weeks pregnant. This is now just a waiting game.

I am excited to meet my daughter, but I'm also afraid of the big unknown that becoming a parent for the first time is. Will I be a good mom? Can I handle the responsibility of helping another human being grow? It's all a bit scary.

Since this is the first blog, I should explain the title. Baby, well, you read the paragraph above, so you can figure that one out. Needles refer to knitting needles, as I love to knit and I plan on using the blog to talk about projects, difficulties, fun things to make, and anything related to knitting. Dead trees... That's a weird one, I know, but I mean books (paper, get it?). Reading is my oldest addiction and one that hopefully I'll never get over. I don't always have the time to read the books I want, but when I do, it's so wonderful. So I'll be writing about those also.

Now back to my knitting...

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